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Starting at the beginning of 2021, MTVO Course payments will begin to​ be processed through, and with AC's (the built-in currency) rather than USD.  As a result of this change, multiple aspects of course payments will be different from previous years. Read below to learn more.

Course Payment Methods:
A. Full Course Cost Upfront​

B. Monthly Payment Plan for:​

  • up to 3 individual Courses/debt sheets at a time for MTVO Explorers.

  • up to 5 individual Courses/debt sheets at a time for MTVO Members.

  • up to 1 individual Course/debt sheet at a time for non-explorers.

    • This means that if you request to have a new course debt payment plan while already paying on 3 separate courses, your request will be denied until you complete the payment for at least 1 of those 3 payment sheets.

      • Example: Student is paying on a monthly basis for Mastering Silence, Deepening Silence, and Pioneers of Consciousness. Student requests Abundant Royalty.  Student will then be declined the option to request Abundant Royalty until Mastering Silence is fully paid for.​

      • Important information for those who began coursework prior to 2021:

        • Course debt sheets can no longer be combined. In  2020 and years prior, students could combine all of basic level courses into one debt sheet the student would pay toward on a monthly basis. As of 2021, this is no longer an option.

        • If you already have a debt sheet from a year prior to this, please know that debt sheet counts as one.  2 more debt sheets are available.


Additional Pricing Options:

For those who commit to all 4 basic/master/god level courses through Jennifer Earnest with 0 time between courses, additional pricing options are available:

  • Each Course comes with a certain number of Classes included in the cost.

    • For every unused course session hour, $100 will be removed from the total debt owed at the end of the course.​

      • This is not an available option for those who are completing 1 course at a time, or who are completing courses with time or breaks in between courses.

      • Please be aware that not all course facilitators offer this pricing option, and none are obligated to offer it.

    • Starting in 2021 please be aware of the following:​

      • Mastering Silence offers: up to 5 hours of classes (Meaning up to $500 can be deducted from the total cost of the Course.)

      • Deepening Silence offers: up to 13 hours of classes (Meaning up to $1300 can be deducted from the total cost of the Course.)

      • Pioneers of Consciousness offers: up to 3 hours of classes. (Meaning up to $300 can be deducted from the total cost of the course.)​


  • What if I break my agreement to complete courses back to back? Will I still be able to use the additional pricing options (such as the subtracted $100 for every unused class hour)?

    • Answer: Only for previously completed courses.  Not for incomplete courses.  This option will no longer be available for any future course.​

      • Exceptions include: Hospitalizations, devastating occurrences, prior agreement arrangements​, unavoidable course problems (such as bugs that cause unavoidable time between courses.)​

  • What if I really want to continue with courses, but already have 3 debt sheets I'm paying on?​

    • Answer: One option is to continue with new levels of Acceptance Course (a 3 week course) until you have fully paid off 1 of your debt sheets.​

Sobriety Understanding

< Course Info Packet


© 2021 by Jennifer Earnest.
Member of MTVO.

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