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Pioneers of Consciousness is a course designed to interface you with a timeless grid and begin the process of expansion.

8 weeks

21 activations

Acceptance Course, Mastering Silence, Deepening Silence

How to Request this Course:

1. Log into using your account information.

2. Click Courses.

3. Click Basic Level Courses

4. Click the course you want to request.

5. Request the course from the course facilitator you want to receive it from.

6. The facilitator will accept/deny the course request.

7. Once the course facilitator accepts the course request the student will have the ability to pay for the course in Ascension Credits.

8. The facilitator will press the button that allows the student to start the course.

9. The student starts the course when they are ready.

They'll have up to 24 hours (with an 8 hour buffer) to complete each day's practices.

Sobriety Understanding

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© 2021 by Jennifer Earnest.
Member of MTVO.

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